Place to meep up history

Center of Arts in Alqueria San LLorenc, Valencia, Spain

This project is a path that traverses through the history of the place. The road gives value to the memory of the orchard through its medieval construction, which now corresponds to the Orriols’ neighborhood.
The project is located in Ronda Norte, which is now the limit between the city and the orchard. In order to solve this fissure, I´ve proposed a green boulevard that will link the city with the orchard. Furthermore, the site poses the problem of having a segregated, older community, so I have developed an intergenerational center connected by all disciplines of art.

This Center of Arts is located near Alqueria de San Lorrenc and Molino de San Miguel, in an effort to serve as a secondary building to the other populations. This new building buries itself below the exiting ones and does not draw attention away from the pre-existing structures. It solely creates a facade with the basement, a floating plane, and a window that looks towards the orchard. Therefore, the project is a large plane, serving as the foundation for the previous constructions. This plane also has different open spaces that connect to the lower level where the Center of Arts is located.

Author: pilargimenez